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Forget about the “climate change” hoax, we need major action to address SOIL CHANGE and MEDICINE CHANGE, or humanity is really doomed

If you still believe in “climate change,” you should head to Al Gore’s house and hand him all your savings so he can continue preventing the oceans from swallowing up the continents and all the humans from bursting into flames from the sun’s incinerating heat index. By the way, Al Gore, the “high priest of environmental causes,” has a net worth of $200 million, mostly made from leading the “global warming” Ponzi scheme for two decades. If you are “brainwashed” right now, you can snap out of it by repeating the following phrase three times quickly, “free me from the climate change cult.”

If you want your energy, efforts, organizations and monetary backing to make real change in this country, for the betterment of mankind, health, prosperity and a truly sustainable future (including, incidentally, actual environmental health), then you should take action towards SOIL CHANGE and MEDICINE CHANGE, starting right now.

U.S. soil has been polluted and adulterated for decades with chemical pesticides, cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide and fluoridated water

Where are all the rich and powerful politicians heading up organizations and funding for soil change? Don’t they support good health for Americans and ending all these preventable diseases that stem from and are perpetuated by chemically polluted, nutrient-void soil?

More than 90% of American food is grown in soil that is – for lack of a better term – dead. What’s worse is it’s polluted with cancer-and-dementia-causing chemicals that humans consume daily in conventional foods, including meat and dairy products that come from animals eating and living on this toxic soil.

If you’re not for soil change, you are a problem for yourself and others. Do you really support dirty food and corrupted water for humans? You must be “anti-science” then, because the science reveals that when humans eat chemical bug-killer and weed-killer (think glyphosate in Roundup here), their cleansing organs become overwhelmed, and they get cancer and dementia. Plus, the crops are often watered with fluoridated water, and fluoride causes lowered IQ (that’s why people fall for scams in the first place), cancer, brittle bones and dementia.

Do you support DNA-altering GMOs in food crops? You might be one of those “domestic terrorists” who is aiding and abetting criminal contamination of the U.S. food supply. Shame on you. Start supporting some worthy causes, instead of those fake fronts based on hoaxes, fake science and the rich getting richer while the rest of us suffer.

Help support soil change, by buying organic food, growing your own food in organic soil and using filtered water for everything.

Western Medicine has been corrupted for a century now, with toxic prescription medications and health-decimating and disease-spreading vaccinations

Are you one of those “anti-science” people who supports the continued corruption of U.S. medicine by the FDA, AMA, CDC and USDA? Maybe you never read the history about the American Medical Association, and how they put a criminal in charge of the regulatory agency a century ago. Yes, the nefarious Morris Fishbein outlawed natural remedies as medicine and rubber stamped all chemical, lab-concocted poisons with his stamp of approval for big bucks.

Medical colleges no longer taught upcoming doctors about nutrition. It’s still that way today. Big Pharma funds and runs the medical colleges, the hospitals and doctors’ licensing.

Today, many prescription medications are crafted with health-decimating venom (peptides) from poisonous snakes, snails, frogs, scorpions and spiders. What, you didn’t know? That’s right, VenomTech has a massive library and stock of toxic venom peptides that Big Pharma weaves into “medications” for humans. Why do you think all the prescription medications list horrific side effects and warn patients about vital organ failure, heart problems, sterility, miscarriages, anxiety, depression, feelings of suicide and so forth?

Help support medicine change, by avoiding Big Pharma’s toxic “medications,” deadly jabs and doing your own research and shopping for natural remedies that have worked for humans for millennia. Don’t fall in line behind all the other sheeple being led off a steep cliff by the likes of Al Gore, Bill Gates and the Big Pharma cabal of criminals responsible for the plandemic and mRNA deadly jabs. Instead, tune your food news frequency to FoodSupply.news and get updates on real change that we really need, especially when it comes to the food supply and Western medicine.

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